My place to put my thoughts

Posts tagged “If you are goin to camp how would you feel.

Oty’Okwa (Camp Groups)

The first week in May our whole 6th grade class took a field trip to Camp Oty Okwa.  When we first pulled up to camp I was wondering who would be in my group.  When we got to camp we didn’t get in groups right away we played a game.  While I was playing the game wondering who was in my group then the game was over.  Then the counselor put us in 5 groups.

I was put with some of my friends. What happen was they said Nick U,Kyra S, Dustin C, Emily D, Katie R, Jakob S, Hayley F, Lindsey h and Austin D . That is all the people who was in my group.

On the first day we got in our class and our first class was Pioneering.  In Pioneering we got to make candles and headbands.  When we got done with making our headbands and candles and we all sat down and the counselor told us stories the pioneers told.

The first day of camp I was in a group of people some of the people I didn’t even like. How would you feel if you were put in a group of people and most of them you did not even like? Well my answer to that is horrible I did not even what to talk to any of them as soon as I was in the group. I was walking with the group and I slid in the mud. How would you feel if you were in you favorite clothing? I really think the first think that happened with me falling in the mud got the group to change a little.This paragraph below tells you the first thing I thought to my self.

Then one of the group members helped me up. The second day of camp we were all having fun. How would you feel the second day of camp when the people you did not like you liked now as friends?

This is the teacher that got me to climb the rest of the way on the wall. Do you know what the wall looks like? Trust me I do. Look at this picture.

When we went on stream study we had so much fun.  Dustin Cradlebuagh and Austin Dingus went under the water fall. That was so stupid but it did change our group.

What was funny was Kyra Katie and Austin  got lost when we went on forest orienteering.It was so funny.Then when nick uhl was going pass me and Lindsey he passed gas.